Snakes are one of the most scariest reptiles and they stay in the bushes but sometimes crawl to human environment, this specie fall under reptiles and they wander around in search of food and hiding places, am sure you have been shocked that how is it possible for a huge cobra snake would hide from a man. Snakes fall under most fearful creatures, they really fear human beings and if you press on then much is when they will strike and run away. Most funny thing about snakes it that they don't have a specific home instead they operate under territories.
Having educated you on snakes and its difference between it and a normal reptile, a small knowledge about snakes, let us now see the things that many of us always do that attracts snakes in our homes.
Congested houses:
As we have seen about snakes, they wander up and down looking for food and hiding places. If we congest our house definitely we shall be encouraging snakes to habitate in our homes. We need to very cautious on how we arrange our houses and homes, especially if we have a lot of furnitures and things that we don't use. Remedy is to throw away or look for somewhere to keep so as to reduce the congestion.
By frequent watering of our home garden
Snakes really like a wet and cool environment, if there is dryness that is the climate is hot and dry and it happens that you always keep your house garden wet then mark me you are inviting snakes. You will start complaining that your enemies are sending you serpents but in real sense it you and you alone.
clear rodents in your homestead:
Rodents are the favourite and locally available food that snakes moves around in search. In your home you need to co trol rodents by every means since they attract snakes. I know you might be WO during how is it possible for snakes to spot your house that is full of rodents? , snakes smell their prey and you will be shocked to meet one in your house.
Eggs should be well catered for:
If you are a poultry farmer always know how to keep your eggs, dont allow your birds scatter eggs all over in the compound cause it attracts snakes, in terms eggs, dispose every bird nest around your home and trim off some shade trees on your compound because snake are very industrious in search of food. Please comment, like, share and follow my page for hot and updated news, knowledge and entertainment all over.
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