the present condition of uyo correctional center calls for immediate intervantion. it is understood that people in the correctional center are those who are desolated from the enviroment, most of them are condemn by the earthly judge. to my own suggetion, i think we need to also consider the fact that, there are some innocent people facing trail of what they know nothing about, but due to the judicial system in nigeria these people are end up being kept in the same prison with convicted [condemn] people.
statistics reveals that out of 100% inmate in uyo correctional center, 50% of them are facing trail, 25% of them are still on awating trail [i;e their case file were send to dpp for advice] while the remaining 25% are convicted people. our judicial system has made it clear that once an accuse person is facing a capital charge, he our she should not be grandted bail. it is also very clear that innocent people do face capital charge as a result of being accused or being framed by their prosecutor or being mention by friends out of touchoring and this people end up surffering and sometimes die in prison. it so uncalled for that the same prison were kidnappers, arm robbers and muderer are kept, happens to be the same prison were people facing minour charge like stealing, assault, instigation's are also kept and most rediculously, this people are being kept in the same cell.
in the world today, everything is being made posible with money. an accused person might be granted bail in the court, but he or she can still remain in prison for as long as he is unable to perfect his bail condition. statistics has reveal that nigeria is approximately 200 million people an that 65% of her citizens barely survive with $1 a day. i believe one will ask, how will someone who barely survive with $1 a day be able to perfect his bail condition if eventually he or she is being accused and arraign at the court.
i want to bring this to the notice of the goverment and the good willing akwaibomite who might be willing to help by improving the poor state of living in uyo corectional center. below here are the 7 major challenges faced by inmate in the correction center which calls for urgent intervention;
1] over population of inmate per cell [over crowding]; over population of inmate per cell in uyo prison is quite rediculous. for a example, the H3 cell were i was a member has a building capacity of 17 inmate according to the drawing plan and the building structure. but it quite dangerous and pertetic that the 15 by 20 cell size was accumodating 74 inmate, which i guess has increased to 100 inmate due to the increse in crime rate as recorded in the past 5 months. one can barly walk without coming in contact with each other. over crowded places can cause rapid spread of infection and large numbers of affected person in some disatrous incident such as the reaction between some combustible materails and oxygen [fire disaster]. there are no free air for inmate to breath, which has cause so many lost of life as a result of the consistent inhaling of carbon-IV oxid [CO2], which can be very damaging to the system. i think the government should help in decongesting the facility. either by builing aditional cell blocks or by fast forwarding the judicial process and granting armnesty to inmate.
2] poor hospitality; imate in uyo prison are also suffering from poor hospitality. statistic reveals that out of 100% of people in uyo prison, 25% of inmate sleeps with matrass, 30% of them sleeps with sleeping marth provide by the authority, while the rest 45% of inmate sleeps on the bey flow with sack bags and rappers. also, 74 to 86 numbers of inmate per-cell are sharing one bathroom and one toilet which has caused rapid spread of infections and diseases among inmate and across different cells.
3] poor meal; poor condition of meal happens to be the major problem faced by inmate in uyo corection center. why on earth will a cook pour an unwashed and unselected beans into a pot, set fire on it, add water, salt and red oil then bring it dowm for people to eat. sometime i ask my self " do God really want us to pass through this?" even the quantity of the food will be too small that no one will ever be satisfy. some inmate end up not eating the food so as not to invite the real hunger to their stomach. this un-hygienic preparation of meals has given birth to so many sickness and has cause the lost of so many life in uyo prison. however some inmate in the prison end up not eating the food prepared by the authority, but end up endangring their lives by smugguling pot and stove to cook in an over crowded cell which futher increase the rate of carbon-mono-oxide [CO] in differnt cell.
4] poor water supply; poor water suply happens to be another challenge faced by inmate in uyo corectional center. inmate are served with two cups of water in the morning and it is expected that the inmate manage the two cups of water from that morning to 5 o clok in the evening when water will be served again by the yard authority. inmate are also expected to take their bath and flush their feces with the two cups of water given to then in the early hours of the day. inmate end up holding excrement in their system for a long time due to lack of water to flush. this condition has given birth to so many infection and diseases such as constipation and dehydration, which has caused so many lost of life in uyo corection center.
5] maltreatment of inmate by warders; the un-nessaserily maltreatment of inmate by warders in uyo prison is so rampant and un-called for. with the huge suffering and pains experinced by inmate both pshycological and phisically, it so rediculious for an officer to be maltreating the inmate for nothing sake or maybe for an offence that worth nothing. i would have love to mention some officers name who carries out such act in uyo corectional center, but i will let it be for the sack of the law. i want to use this meduim to call on the attention of the akwaibom state controller of prison Mr Alex Oditah to look into this case by cautioning some officers on how to use their rubber cain wisely.
6] poor opening out; poor open-out happens to be another major challenges faced by inmate in uyo corectional center. inmate are not allow to go make calls with their people and most especialy with thier lawyers. inmate who are facing trail and those who's case file were send to DPP for advise, finds it so frustrating when they are not allow talk to their people, most especially to know their way-about and the progress of thier cases. inmate are always locked up and are allow to go out only for an hour in a week, exept those who uses their know-how and their resources to bribe different officers incharge of their different bid for the day. i want to call on the controller of prison to look into this mater and stractegise means were inmate can atleast be allow to go make calls and are also allow to move within the confide of the prison environment for atleast 6 hours in a day, to narrow down on some nagative pshycological effect.
7] poor medical treatement; so many life lost in uyo corection center is as a result of lack of medical treatment. if people in the free world with they freedom the enjoy and with all the good medical checkup can fall sick and die, then how about those that are been incarserated. the first thing that happens to a human when he or she is under incarseration is the change in his pshycological staus. this is caused by contitnous state of thinking, which may also leed to an increse in his or her blood presure [BP]. however the maltreatment of inmate by warders and the poor and un-hygein food and water served to the inmate by the authority, is capeble of causing a lot of damage healthwise to an inmate. i believe if good medical facilities and active drugs are given to inmate, it will help in reducing the death rate and soften the spread of infections in the corectional center.
below here are the most common infection and diseases found in uyo prison;
i] heat racheas; caused by over population of inmate in the cell
ii] chicken pox; caused by some metabolic organism present in the water and in the food the eat
iii] epkarikpata; caused by some micro organism present in the floor suface. people do contact this infection once the sleep on the floor and from statistics 90% of inmate in uyo prison sleeps on the floor. so we can imagine how many people are dieying of this infection in a year
iv] ulcer; caused by hunger and stavertion. etc etc
i would have love to mention more, but i want to use this meduim to call on the attention of the federal controller of prisons Mr Ahmed Ja'afaru, the president of the federal republic of nigeria Mr Muhamadu buhari [GCFR] and the attention of akwaibom state governor Deacon Udom Emmanuel [CON] to plese with most urgent and rapid manner, to respond to the crying and the suffering of inmate in uyo prison
Yours in the struggle.
i am michael the son of itok [MIK] and also an ex-prisoner
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