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                   Sen.  Akpabio

I received calls from ardent followers of my *KIIP* column to re-publish a piece I wrote on March 8, 2019 about Sen. Godswill Obot Akpabio’s political future after he lost the Senate race in 2019. The article was inspiredy by the negative press statement by Barr. Emmanuel Enoidem after Godswill lost the election. In the article, I made some  strong predictions about his political future, (while those that called me today say I 'prophesied”. Today, in the wake of his election as the Senate President, they ask me to publish the said article again. And I have hereby obliged. 

And my solemn prayer is that may God guide him to use the powerful position, the third in Nigerian national protocol list, for the good benefits of the common man in the country and particularly his most neglected, often forgotten and vulnerable Annang women and children. I hereby reproduce the article. 

But first, Congratulations, Senator Akpabio.

May I also add: "Please, tëye ñanga ufok ekeba oo!"

Happy reading, folks. 


                Barr. Enoidem.

I wish to start this article with a strong disclaimer that the analogy of the title of this essay is not a matter of pecuniary issue because the personality involved is a financially loaded man and is not driven by pecuniary interest.

Barr. Emmanuel Enoidem, the former National Legal Advisor of People Democratic party, (PDP), is a brother I love so much because of his rare quality of mindset of well-groomed Field Marshall. He is a fighter with near tunnel vision of his objective. With Barr. Enoidem, there is no gray areas in his operational manual.

I first noticed Barr. Emmanuel Enoidem in 2007. He was one of the vocal oppositions against the aspiration of Sen. Godswill Akpabio as a governorship aspirant. I believe he supported Dr. Bob Ekarika, Obong Victor Attah's hand pick, his inlaw, for the same position. Barr. Enoidem opposed Sen. Akpabio with same passion and vigor he opposed  him in his reelection for the senate seat. It was then very surprising when the Sen. Godswill Akpabio included him as a commissioner in his cabinet after his victory and kept him for 8 years. That singular act by Sen. Akpabio got my attention and many others about the commendable character of Godswill Akpabio in political forgiveness and it gives me a flicker of hope that they will join forces again very soon. I also met Enoidem once in his mansion in Uyo. I was impressed with his sound, analytical mindset.

I have also interacted with His Excellency, (Dr.) Chris Ekpeyong who has benefited from Sen. Akpabio’s electoral misfortune, right from when he was served a Notice of Impeachment by Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly. I was very much involved in the struggle to restore his position as the deputy governor. Dr. Chris is seen by many as an icon and industrious son of Annang nation deserving of colorful accolades. 

Distinguished Senator Godswill Akpabio is a legend by right in many households including mine. He is like a mighty animal found in a mysterious forest. Each person describes him based on what he believes he sees. Anyone that sees Sen. Akpabio's legs will go to town with his perception of how mighty his legs are no matter how erroneous such a person may be.

Interestingly, I have never for once sat or have a telephone conversation with His Excellency Godswill Akpabio to discuss any issue. But I believe he is not a saint and has never claimed to be one. However, even his ardent enemy would readily agree that his performance as a governor of Akwa Ibom State is a shoe too big to fit many years to come.

Barr. Enoidem is familiar with my stand on issues involving prominent sons and daughters of Annang nation. Therefore, he will have no difficulty predicting my position and mindset in the ongoing political game in Akwa Ibom State especially that of Ikot Ekpene Senatorial District. He can't be surprised with my response to his half-hearted statement regarding the controversial Ikot Ekpene senatorial election.

Indeed, I placed the statement issued by Arc. Ita Toyo (Total Chair) side-by-side with his own statement. I concluded that Toyo's statement should have been authored by Barr. Enoidem especially from paragraph 1-7 for many obvious reasons. Unfortunately, Enoidem is trading places with the Total Chair. It is amazing that my brother Enoidem does not seem to see the big picture. He seems to be stuck in anger, revenge and pettiness at the expense of the general group interests. 

While Arc. Toyo sees things in the context of pan Akwa Ibom and in fact, pan south-south, Enoidem is trapped in self-absorption without any consideration of what is at stake. It is clear that what has blinded my own brother is spelled 'Rt. Hon. Emma Ekon', his former political godson. You see, Rt. Hon Emma Ekon was Enoidem's handpick candidate to represent Abak, Ika and Etim Ekpo Federal constituency 8 years ago until they fell apart. The adoption of Mr. Ekon by Sen. Akpabio for 3rd term had grieved Enoidem's spirit to a level of him "throwing the baby with bath water" according to Ita Toyo. Some people may say to him: "Sir, have you now seen how hurtful it is to elevate someone and the person turns against you? Imagine what Godswill would do if he has such mindset?

I choose the title of my essay in response to Barr. Enoidem's statement because I know he's grieving like Apostle Judas when he saw how the Jews and Romans maltreated, and physically abused his Master Jesus. The Bible tells us that when Judas saw the pains Jesus was going through as human, he went back to appeal to the Jews and Romans but they refused to attend to him.


If Enoidem had faintest idea of what was to be the outcome of the just concluded controversial senatorial election, he would have accepted the offer to oppose Sen. Akpabio instead of passing it to Engr. Chris Ekpenyong. It is not only my opinion but also that of many observers.

The shock of what Sen. Akpabio described as "a temporary setback" caused Enoidem therefore to issue an Iscariot-like statement of regret. His statement lacks his usual fingerprints of excellent flowery prose. That tells me that he was in agonizing pains.

Since Judas Iscariot was Minister of Finance in the Government of Jesus Christ the King, he was an insider. From that vantage position, he observed Christ amazing and unbelievable miracles. He may have sincerely thought that Jesus would disappear when the Romans and Jews came for His arrest. Hence, he did his own version of Nigerian 419 that eventually back-fired. Many see Enoidem's statement in that context.

However, the only good thing about his statement is that he has debunked the excuse many have marketed as one of the reasons to oppose Sen. Akpabio.  From Enoidem's statement, we now know that Sen. Akpabio had exhaustively consulted before he "moved" from PDP to APC.

Listen to him: "When he first mooted the idea to defect to APC in December 2017, I persuaded him, alone, with elders, youths and entire party structures from state and national for him to have a rethink to no avail. So, Sen. Akpabio actually did this and some people still argue that he did not consult as if that is of any significant. It's like given a dog a bad name.

I hope that Barr. Enoidem understands my concern in this election is more than electoral conquest. Has he yet pondered the long-term implications to the future of his Annang nation?  When I saw the obnoxious and tribalistic political advert sponsored by Mr. Udom Emmanuel, the governor of Akwa Ibom State, starring Okon Lagos, depicting the entire Annang nation as "glutinous and selfish," I called him and other sons of Annang in Udom's cabinet to register my displeasure and the concerns of many right thinking Annang sons and daughters. Incidentally but not surprising to many who knew Udom before now, till today, Gov. Udom has not disassociated himself from that misinformation, untruthfulness, derogatory, satanic, tribalistic and repulsive portrayal of the Annang nation.

That aside, the election between Sen. Godswill Akpabio and Engr. Chris Ekpenyong is not the first time Annang nation has produced epic senate battle. The 2019 Senate matchup between Chris and Godswill is close to that of late Dr. Ime S. Umanah (Ufan Ndito Ubuene) and Atuekong Don Etiebet in the mid 90s during Abacha's botched democratic arrangement. The similarities cannot escape keen observers of politics of Annang nation. Atuekong  Etiebet was considered lesser of a grass rooter than Dr. Ime Umanah just as Akpabio is a grassroot man than Ekpenyong. In Don vs. Ime, emotions were equally high except in that one, outside influences as evident in the outrageous infusion of billions of naira by the incumbent Gov. Udom in Ikot Ekpene Senatorial campaign alone against Akpabio was lacking, Atuekong Don Etiebet was declared a winner.

During one of Dr. Umanah's visits to me in Washington, DC, I asked him about that race. He accused Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, yes Atiku Abubakar, of collecting bribe to declare Don Etiebet the winner. However, his mandate was restored according to him when Abacha called them and asked Atiku to swear by the Holy Qur'an who actually won the election, which Atiku chickened out according to Ime's narrative.

*”We, the Annangs have never been short of heavy weight contenders for political offices. It is part of the Ukoness of Annangism and Annangness. For example, election between Late Justice (Chief) Akpan Ekukinam-Bassey, (CON) of NCNC and Late Chief Monchin Afangide of Action Group (AG) both of Essien Udim LGA. Chief Afangide was a teacher, (yes!) while Chief Akpan Ekukinam-Bassey was the first lawyer of Annang nation trained in United Kingdom. Despite Ekukinam's name recognition and popularity, Chief Afangide was declared a winner with the help of a notorious rigging machine of AG with his famous BA (Begin Again) slogan.”*

Therefore, Annang nation has never been short of controversial elections every now and then. But wait, Chief Akpan Ekukinam-Bassey, the first grandchild of Chief Udo Akpabio, yes, a cousin of Sen. Godswill Akpabio, went on to be the Provincial Commissioner for Calabar Province, an equivalent of a governor for entire Calabar Province and later Agent-General for Eastern Region covering entire Europe until Biafra War broke out. 

And Chief Monchin? Well, he is listed in *"Annang Who Was Who (AWWW)”* to be published by Prof. Isidore Obot, Mr. Darlington Ofongekpe and yours truly. This is Déjà vu all over again for the Annang nation.

Therefore, I counsel those that count Sen. Akpabio out so very soon to hold their brakes. He may eventually do what Barr. Enoidem expected him to do. Have you not heard what the Scripture says? In Micah 7:8, it states, "Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise, when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me". It appears even if Godswill falls seven times, he'll rise again. So stay tune.

For example, those that celebrated and rejoiced over his cousin's electoral lost to late Hon. Afangide, where are their names today? 

May be Sen. Akpabio just graduated from leadership school as an all time best. He can only be stronger and better realizing who his real and true friends are. Evidently, those he "elevated" are those that rise again him confirming King David's saying that those you help are the same that rise up against you. Some people "Isimaha mfon."

I am a strong supporter of Sen. Godswill Akpabio in this election, not that I love His Excellency Chris Ekpenyong less but I align myself even more with the bigger picture that Arc. Ita Toyo talked about in his statement. *The bigger picture and future implications for the likes of Enoidem who may one day aspire to be the next Godswill Akpabio is what I am worry about because what Godswill has seen now, Enoidem is yet to see. Udo Idung Ima syndrome. It happened to others before him.*


In this election, I chose to support Nsima Ekere because I am convinced that Gov. Udom is a mighty apologist of tribalistic consideration and a very ungrateful person. It is my belief back by evidence of his inexcusable refusal to complete the unfinished portion of Ikot Ekpene Uyo road. To prove his hatred even more, he has disengaged Julius Berger (JB) on that road and leased Sayang construction, a local contractor with no capacity to complete the road in good quality. He has and reduced the specifications. Oh, you say he is married to Annang woman? So true but some of the Nazis who gassed 6 million Jews were also married to the Jewish women. Colonialist who enslaved black people also fathered children from black women. 

I want to conclude this piece with the story of King David as recorded in II Samuel 16:6-14. When his own son, Absalom, pursued David out of his palace, he encountered Shimei, a sibling of household of King Saul, on the way to his place of safety. Shimei saw an opportunity to gloat, revenge, curse, ridicule and calling David a bloody thirsty man. He threw stones and sand at David and his servants. Abishai, David’s commander was offended and wanted to "cut off the head of Shimei", a man he called a dead dog. However, King David restrained Gen. Abishai and stated thus: ”Behold my son which came forth of my bowels, seeketh my life, how much more now may this Benjamite do it? Let him alone. It may be that the Lord will look on mine affliction, and that the Lord will require me good for his cursing this day." What happened to David afterward? Sen. Godswill Akpabio therefore should endorse the words of King David.

About four years ago, I had a cause to pen what I believe is still relevant today when some paid directionless juveniles in Akpabio administration were abusing Atuekong Don Etiebet. I argued for the protection rather than self-destruction of our industrious sons. I added that if we manage to have one, we should add to what was there not to eliminate the old ones that was carrying us along before now. I stand by that statement.

This is the way it is now.

Sir Ukpong Ekam

 (Still in the Creek)


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